
Posts Tagged ‘scrolling design’

Book Design Unveiling!

In Publishing Designs on October 30, 2012 at 1:32 am

OK y’all, A LOT of WONDERFUL people to voted for my ebook Godly Government‘s design and during the process, we tied not once, but twice!  So here’s what my “executive decision” was.

I noticed that that more artsy, creative types were drawn towards cover design #2.

I also noticed that the government/politics/law-minded individuals were largely leaning towards cover design #4.

So I decided to marry the two.

It took the attractive, eye-catching red from cover #2 and joined it with the classic, yet “logical” design of cover #4 and there we have it!

So what do you guys think??

Again, I have to give a major shout out to Belinda John of Divine Graphix Inc. for the cover design as well her brand new publishing company, Divine Works Publishing House, for publishing my freshman project! Couldn’t have done it without her!

P.S. If you’d like to get a FREE copy of Godly Government, sign up to participate in my Blog Campaign!

P.P.S. I saw the ebook today and can we say: EXCITED?!?!